Teething 101: A Guide to Helping Your Baby Through This Milestone - Fancy Nursery

Teething 101: A Guide to Helping Your Baby Through This Milestone

Teething is a natural process in which baby teeth break through the gums and into the mouth. Common symptoms of teething include excessive drooling, irritability, gum-rubbing, biting, and even a slight fever. It is important for parents to be aware of the signs of teething, so they can provide comfort and relief for their little one during this difficult time.

Teething baby hygine

The Startling Facts About Teething

  1. Are you wondering when your baby's first tooth will appear? It usually starts to occur between 4 and 7 months of age and can last until the child is about 3 years old. If you don't see a tooth by the time your baby turns one, speak to your doctor.
  2. Different teeth may cause different reactions in your little one. Generally, the lower front teeth will be the first to come in and the first one can cause the most discomfort. Cutting several teeth at once or the eruption of large molars can also be difficult.
  3. Most babies have a full set of 20 primary teeth by the time they are 3 years old.

Discover Home Remedies To Make Teething More Comfortable For Your Baby

Are you looking for ways to make teething more comfortable for your baby? Check out these tips to help find relief from the pain:
  1. Gently massage your baby's gums. Rubbing your baby's gums for a couple of minutes can help to relieve the pain.
  2. Buy teething rings. Chew toys are a great way to provide relief for your baby. Pick out whatever style your baby prefers.baby teething ring
  3. Make your own teething toys. Fill a bottle with cold water, or use chilled washcloths or terrycloth toys.
  4. Make sure to properly clean all teething devices. After each use, clean all teething toys and limit the amount of time a very cold object has direct contact with your baby's gums.
  5. Serve your baby cold foods. Offer your baby popsicles, cold applesauce, or chewy frozen foods like bagels. The cold can help to numb the gums and ease the pain.
  6. Clean up your baby's drool promptly, especially when they are teething. Use absorbent bed sheets to make the job easier. Frequent wiping with a clean cloth can help keep your baby dry and reduce the risk of skin rashes.
  7. Use baby-specific pain relievers and make sure to check the labels. Doctors recommend that aspirin should only be used by adults aged 20 and over due to the risk of Reye syndrome.
  8. Consult with your doctor before using teething gels. The FDA has warned of potential adverse reactions from teething gels containing benzocaine, and your doctor can help explain these risks.
  9. Abstain from drinking alcohol. Even minimal amounts of alcohol can be detrimental to your health, so it's essential to read medicine labels carefully.
  10. Maintaining good dental health starts with keeping all teeth clean. To avoid future dental issues, make sure to wipe primary teeth with a soft cloth until there are enough teeth to require a soft toothbrush. Taking care of your teeth now can help ensure a healthy smile in the future.
  11. Schedule your child's first dental visit today! It is recommended to take your child to the dentist 6 months after their first tooth appears or before their first birthday - whichever comes first. Early checkups with a dentist are key to spotting any irregularities and helping your child receive the special care they may need.

Baby's first dentist visit

If your baby is going through teething, it's important to speak with your doctor about any concerns you have. Fortunately, many children sail through teething with no symptoms, but if your baby is having difficulty with fussiness or eating, simple home remedies can be used to ease the discomfort.
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